xpr365 Service


xpr365 Service is an extension of the standard Service Management Module from Microsoft. xpr365 Service provides extra features that adds value to the module and makes working with it more user-friendly.

  • Use the new activities on the role center to track your service orders faster.

  • Gain faster insight into useful information with extensions to and new fact boxes.

  • Set up default values for the fields Needed by Date, Status and Service type.

  • Allow technicians to easily register their hours and add them to the service lines with the push of a button.

  • Avoid the number of clicks by because the service lines and comments are made visible directly on the service pages.

  • Let your customer easily sign their service orders.

  • Mail service documents to your customers.

  • Use the xpr365 Word lay-outs as a basis for sending documents to your customers.


xpr365 Service is an extension of the standard Service Management Module from Microsoft. xpr365 Service provides extra features that adds value to the module and makes working with it more user-friendly. 

  • New Activity Area 

Service roles were expanded with activities: My Service Orders, Pending, Planned, In Process, Finished and On hold to better follow up service orders. 

  • Create Multiple Service Orders from a contract 

You can automatically create service orders for the maintenance of service items based on service contracts. 

Standard Business Central creates one service order per contract. xpr365 Service makes it possible to create a service order per service item on the service contract. 

  • Labor Costs 

Let technicians track time they spent on a service order using a start and stop button. It makes it easy to report time usage so that the time worked can be easily invoiced. Determine which resource should be used for invoicing, what the invoice threshold is, the minimum hours to be invoiced, and whether or not labor costs should be automatically added to the service lines. 

  • Signature 

When your technician delivers service, he can ask the customer to digitally sign the service order. Use this functionality to let the customer confirm the work carried out and avoid discussions afterwards. 

  • Word Lay-outs 

The standard datasets of Business Central are extended with frequently requested adjustments for service documents and templates were provided for the service quote, service order, posted service shipment, posted service invoice, posted service credit memo. Besides the fact that you have a basis to start from, this functionality offers the advantage that both the adjustments from Microsoft and the xpr365 adjustments are available in one layout. 

  • Send Service Documents and Emails 

xpr365 Service makes it possible to send service documents by email directly from Business Central, without having to open an email app. The standard document layouts for customers and mail functionality of Business Central was extended with the Service Quote, Service Order, Posted Service Invoice and Posted Service Credit Memo. 

  • Optimizations 

Some optimizations were done to gain more insights and to make the Service module more user-friendly. 

  • Set up default values for the fields Needed by Date, Status and Service type. 
  • The status of a service quote/order has been extended with the status ‘Planned’. 
  • ‘Item’ is the default type for the first line on service documents. 
  • To get a quicker picture of the service document an to add comments and service lines more easily, the pages Service Lines, Faults, Resolutions, Accessories and Internal have been added as Fast Tabs on the service documents. 
  • Determine the urgency of the service order independent of the order status. 
  • The service history fact boxes are extended with service items, contract quotes and contracts. 
  • Service item comments were made visible on the service quote and order. 
  • You can attach files, add links and write notes on the posted Service Shipment page. 


Starting with users for 5 EUR/USER/MONTH or 50EUR/USER/MONTH. 

Contact us if you will need more than 50 users for a special bid.